Posted on Mar 01, 2018 09:43 pm by Christine Nguyen '21
Give Kids a Smile is a student ran and operated event and at ASDOH an average of over 300 children are successfully treated each year. The entire student body and faculty staff come together to make this happen. The impact that GKAS has in our community is immense and is the driving force for the committee of dental students who plan it! The GKAS committee spends their time pruning every detail of this event to ensure that each year an optimal number of children are being provided for. 📷 “I volunteered for GKAS as a pre-dental student and fell in love with the energy that GKAS creates at ASDOH! Alumni, current faculty, current dental students, hygiene students, and pre-dental students come together once a year to provide care for the underserved children within the community. A unity truly based around the greater good. I plan on continuing to be a part of the committee next year because as a future healthcare provider, I feel as if it is imperative to use any knowledge or skills that I possess to help those in need!” -Jaiden Mercer, ASDOH ‘20 📷 “I have volunteered as a provider every year post graduation from ASDOH. The camaraderie of professionals from the past, current, and present ASDOH community coming together and treating underserved children always yields an empowering sense of fulfillment. It’s great to reconnect and share experiences with faculty and colleagues as well! As long as there are kids in need, I will be continuing to contribute to GKAS in any manner that I am needed! GKAS provides care for children who may not receive dental care otherwise and I enjoy being on the front lines providing healthy smiles!” -Dr. Brodie Cook, DMD, ASDOH ‘15 Alumni 📷 “When I was selected to volunteer in the clinic for GKAS, I was excited to finally have the chance to work with children alongside dentists. I left GKAS with an admiration of the dental students for their knowledge, professionalism, patience, and likability. They made sure each child felt comfortable and assured them they were in good care. The following day during Pre-Dental Day, I was amazed at how excited ASDOH students were to see us. With so many helpful tips and advice, my biggest take away was a reassurance that if I put in the work, I can be successful!” -Precious Nwaba, Univeristy of California, Berkeley pre-dental student 📷“Pre-Dental Day was a huge success this year! ASDA reached 50 attendees with 28 volunteers and 8 faculty helping out. The morning started off with words of wisdom from Dr. Dean Trombly, followed by Admissions Director, Tina Samms. It was a hectic morning with faculty interviews, MMIs, and campus/CEREC tours. The simultaneous Q&A session remained lively and before we knew it, it was lunch! The afternoon was followed by informative lectures on AADSAS, reapplication, DAT, and personal statements. Pre-dental students then shifted over to SIM lab to drill Class I, II, and V preps with Dr. Westergard. My favorite part of the day was ending with a personal statement workshop, where dental and pre-dental students shared their personal journeys into dentistry. At the end of the day, multiple pre-dental students shared with me how informative their experience was and feeling of collaboration within our ASDOH community. To me, that was the most I could hope for in coordinating Pre-Dental Day!” -Lillian Wang, ASDOH ‘20
A huge thank you to everyone- students, faculty, alumni, and many others- for another memorable GKAS and Pre-Dental Day!