Jan 17th, 2023
By Gracie Groth, Class of 2026
Every January people set year’s resolutions to spark positivity and strive towards improvement in their lives. According to Go Skills, the 5 most common new year’s resolutions include
Exercise more/lose weight
Get organized
Learn a new skill or hobby
Live life to the fullest
Save money or spend less money
According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 46% of people who made New Year’s resolutions were successful. It can be difficult to snap into change, especially when life gets busy. Here are some recommendations to reach success with your resolutions, whatever they may be!
Mentally prepare & write it out!
Think about the past year and all of the things you’ve accomplished. Now, think about some of the areas that were challenging or lacking. Write out the areas you want to focus on & how you can make small changes to the results you desire.
Set a goal for yourself & make it manageable!
Often people set goals for themselves based on pressures from their spouse, family, or career. While support is important, you must be self-motivated to take action and achieve your goal. Your goals should align with your top priorities and be manageable to achieve in the time period of a year.
Be specific, break it up, & share it with others!
When writing your goals try using the SMART goals method of “specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, & time-sensitive.” Many of us are over-eager at the start of the year and set goals too big to achieve. Try dividing a big goal into smaller goals such as by month, quarter, or semester. Additionally, share your resolutions with others to help you stay on track. People will be there to help motivate you & celebrate. There are also many reminder apps that can aid in your journey.
Happy New Year & resolution writing!