Posted on Mar 06, 2018 11:42 pm
Diggin’ this new layout? Love the content? Think it deserves an award? Well you’re right! Last weekend at the ASDA Annual Session in Anaheim, our ASDOH chapter was presented with a Gold Crown for Best Chapter Blog! and better yet.. we swooped up another Gold Crown for Best Newsletter Design and Layout!
Like the recent Oscars, the ASDA Gold Crown Awards are presented to an individual member or chapter in recognition of their accomplishments during a given year. Once selected, they are announced during a special awards ceremony at Annual Session. Categories range from Ideal ASDA Chapter to various media awards and chapter achievement awards. Delegates of the year are also nominated and distinguished. With a new leadership board and supportive ASDOH ASDA family, we strive to only better our chapter year by year. Thank you for all your engagement, creative ideas, and efforts! Let’s make 2018-2019 another year to be proud of! 📷
We’d love your feedback!
Our leadership team is working hard this year to create an awesome ASDA experience for you! To make sure that happens, we wanted to incorporate our chapter members’ opinions and suggestions as well! Fill it out HERE!
Have new ideas or want to be involved in anyway? Feel free to email us at