Posted on Apr 14, 2018 04:06 pm
Last Saturday, April 7th, 2018, the 9th Annual Arizona Oral Cancer Walk took place. Big thanks to Dr. Mai-Ly, the ASDOH Dentistry in the Committee, and all the volunteers for setting up the event at Phoenix Zoo at 4:00AM! ASDOH ASDA was even able to share the entire event on the District 10 Snapchat and Instagram accounts!
All of their planning and dedication helped make this event available to the larger community and educate participants on oral cancer. After getting an oral cancer screening, taking pictures at the photobooth, and listening to inspiring speakers, the walk was led by oral cancer survivors. The path was lined with information about oral cancer amongst the lions, tigers, giraffes and camels. Every year, the walk aims to raise awareness about oral cancer screenings/prevention and funds for oral cancer research.
500+ attendees
130+ oral cancer screenings
22 sponsors
3 speakers
1 cause
“Raising public awareness about the importance of oral cancer prevention and screening is as important as empowering dental health professionals to take responsibility for performing thorough oral cancer screenings on every patient at least once a year. This public health initiative is a great way to reach those goals, but we also indirectly educate our students the value of service to the community. I am so touched that I get to play a small role in bringing our community together. Only by working together can we make a difference and make oral cancer history!”
—Dr. Mai-Ly Duong